

We know how competitive the search for talent in the Medical Device Industry is; the shortage of talent has created a hyper-competitive marketplace. We know that often the best talent is passive, which is why we spend our time on the phone recruiting in addition to other traditional methods. We find the best candidates are often the individuals who are not actively looking, a person who is satisfied in their current role, who can be tempted motivated by career opportunity and challenge and advancement.

Additionally, we  know how hard it is for our hiring managers having open roles sit unfilled for long periods;  Pinnacle Search will dedicate the necessary recruiting resources to find the professional you need quickly. Due to our extensive network of Medical Device Engineering professionals, we look to find the first candidate with 72 hours of being given a search and to have at least 3 candidates in play by the end of the second week.

Having the following in place is key to our success:

  • Understanding the open requisition and requirements for the right candidate
  • Knowing how to excite a candidate about a position as well as the organization itself
  • Commitment to the placement process between the client and Pinnacle; good communication and feedback is key throughout the hiring process

We look for candidates who have a stable work history, have shown clear progression in their career, have demonstrable accomplishments and can quickly hit the ground running for you. We are a search firm that is up for the challenge, – difficult to find candidates is where we shine the brightest; we will find you who you need.   You will not be disapointed in the talent that we represent, and our ability to exceed spectations at every step of the placement process.